
Contact information

William Witczak-Krempa

Université de Montréal
Department of Physics – MIL Campus
B2045 – 1375, avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux
Montréal (Québec) H2V 0B3

E-mail :
Office: B-4426


Soraya Saidj

Université de Montréal
Department of Physics – MIL Campus
B2045 – 1375, avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux
Montréal (Québec) H2V 0B3

E-mail :
Office: B-4431

Join the group

Our group is looking for highly motivated students and young researchers to join its team (see opportunities below).

The group, composed of numerous graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, studies various aspects of theoretical quantum condensed matter including :
-topological phases
-quantum phase transitions
-novel characterization using quantum information

We use cutting-edge field theory techniques, and numerical methods.

More details on research within the group can be found on the Research and Publications pages.


Select a cycle:
  • Postdoctoral fellowships
  • Graduate students
1 Postdoctoral Fellowship position

The appointment is expected to start September 1st, 2024. The salary is competitive.

To apply, please provide by email to a detailed CV including full publication list, a cover letter, a research proposal (2 pages) and at least 2 letters of recommendation (to be sent directly by your referees).

Several MSc and PhD positions

We are looking for talented students to join our team, either as a Msc or PhD student. Beginning September 1st, 2024. The salary is competitive.

To apply, please provide by email to a CV, a cover letter, the transcript of your last or current diploma and at least 2 letters of recommendation (to be sent directly by your referees to the email above).