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Drude-like Thermal Hall Resistivity in the Cuprates
L. Lyu, W. Witczak-Krempa, (2022). Drude-like Thermal Hall Resistivity in the Cuprates. arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.02240.
Emergent tracer dynamics in constrained quantum systems
J. Feldmeier, W.Witczak-Krempa, M. Knap, Phys. Rev. B 106, 094303 – Published 12 September 2022
Possible quantum nematic phase in a colossal magnetoresistance material
G. Beaudin, L.M. Fournier, M. Nicklas, M. Kenzelmann, M. Laver, W. Witczak-Krempa, A.D. Bianchi, Physical Review B 105, 035104 (2022), 10 pages.
Cornering the universal shape of fluctuations
B. Estienne, J-M. Stéphan, W. Witczak-Krempa, Nature Communications 13, 287 (2022), 7+7 pages
Entanglement of skeletal regions
C. Berthiere, W. Witczak-Krempa. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 240502 – Published 16 June 2022.
Master's thesis of Gabriel Longpré
Dynamique et ergodicité des chaînes de spins quantiques critiques de Fredkin et Ising–Kawasaki
Master's thesis of Louis Godbout
Supraconductivité non conventionnelle et impuretés locales dans les semi-métaux de Luttinger
Doctoral thesis of Christian Boudreault
Hamiltoniens locaux et information quantique en dimensions réduites
Anomalous dimensions of monopole operators at the transitions between Dirac and topological spin liquids
É. Dupuis, R. Boyack, W. Witczak-Krempa, Submitted October 14th, 2021, 35 pages.
Entanglement and correlations in z=2 Lifshitz theories under wavefunction renormalization group flow
C. Boudreault, C. Berthiere, W. W. Witczak-Krempa (2021), 17+3 pages