Johannes Feldmeier, William Witczak-Krempa, and Michael Knap article “Emergent tracer dynamics in constrained quantum systems” is now published in the journal “Physical Review B”. Congratulations to them!
To read the article click here
Professor Duncan Haldane, co-recipient of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics, gave an interview as part of his participation in the “Conformal field theories and quantum many-body physics” workshop held from August 21 to September 9, 2022 at the Centre de recherches mathématiques de l’Université de Montréal.
To read the interview, click here.
From August 22 to September 9, 2022, the workshop “Conformal field theory and quantum many-body physics” will be held at the Centre de recherches mathématiques of the Université de Montréal. This workshop, co-organized by Joseph Maciejko (University of Alberta), William Witczak-Krempa (Université de Montréal) and Yizhi You (Princeton University), will be marked by the presence of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics, Professor Duncan Haldane who will give 3 presentations, including a public lecture, on August 23, 2022, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Université de Montréal.
For more information, please click here.
Stéphane Vinet, Gabriel Longpré and William Witczak-Krempa have just published their new paper “Excitations and ergodicity of critical quantum spin chains from non-equilibrium classical dynamics” in the journal “SciPost Physics Core”.
To access the article : SciPost: SciPost Phys. Core 5, 035 (2022) – Excitations and ergodicity of critical quantum spin chains from non-equilibrium classical dynamics
The PhD student Liuke Lyu and Professor William Witczak-Krempa recently published a preprint of their new article titled “Drude-like Thermal Hall Resistivity in the Cuprates“. The article uncovers a new property of heat transport in many cuprates (copper oxides), which are important due to the presence of high-temperature superconductivity in their phase diagram. Surprisingly, when a magnetic field is applied the thermal Hall resistivity behaves the same way as for non-interacting electrons.
We congratulate Dr. Rufus Boyack for his new position as a professor in the Department of physics and astronomy at Dartmouth College (United states of America). We wish him a long and prolific carreer !
Last week was an opportunity for the WK Lab team to meet at a scientific retreat in Orford and discuss the group’s next research directions.