Professor William Witczak-Krempa recently presented his project ” Fractionalized conductivity and emergent self-duality near topological phase transitions ” at Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater-Bay-Area Seminar on Highly Entangled Topological Quantum Matters.
Chia-Chuan Liu, Rufus Boyack and William Witczak-Krempa were present at the Quantum Materials Canada conference where they each presented their research work.
The program “Podcast Sans Frontière”, a media specialized in the popularization of various subjects, recently welcomed professors Witczak-Krempa and St-Jean to demistify the quantum physics.
To listen to the podcast, go to the following link: Sans Filtre #202 – Démystifier la physique quantique avec Philippe St-Jean & William Witczak-Krempa – YouTube
Good listening !
A very generous donation from la Fondation Courtois allowed the creation of l’Institut Courtois.
This is a very exciting new chapter for material research in Québec and Canada! Our lab is lucky to be part of it. The research at the institute will combine physics, chemistry, computer science, and even robotics in order to pave new paths in the study of materials and the states of matter.
For more information:
A new intern has joined the group for the summer of 2022! Gabrielle Blanchet is a bachelor’s student in physics at Université de Montréal. She will be working during her internship on a research project entitled “Automatic learning of quantum entanglement in topological materials.” For her internship, she received an Arthur Yelon—John Low Brebner scholarship from the RQMP, which is worth $2,500.
Welcome to the group, Gabrielle!
The thesis committee of Louis Godbout, a master’s student within the group, met this Monday, February 14th 2022 and accepted his master’s thesis.
The latter, entitled “Unconventional superconductivity and local impurities in Luttinger semi-metals”, was judged “exceptional” by the committee.
Congratulations Louis!
The thesis committee of Gabriel Longpré, a master’s student within the group, met this Friday, January 28th 2022 and accepted his master’s thesis.
The latter, entitled “Dynamics and ergodicity of Fredkin and Ising–Kawasaki critical quantum spin chains”, was judged “excellent” by the committee.
Congratulations Gabriel!
Christian Boudreault – PhD student in the research group – defended, on Friday January 28th, his thesis entitled “Local Hamiltonians and quantum information in lower dimensions”. A success, the jury (including the external examiner Benjamin Doyon from King’s College London) awarded it the mention “Excellent”. Christian therefore obtains the title of Doctor in Physics.
Congratulations !